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Recommended Tasks and Hints for June 2021

Writer's picture: lhngslhngs

- Feed containers - Give container plants a regular high potassium liquid feed to keep them healthy and help flowering longer. Use same feed for tomatoes

- Support sweet peas by tying to canes or netting.

- Repot house plants. Now that they are actively growing pot any house plants which have become root bound. Try to use peat free houseplant potting compost.

- Save water. Put dishes under container plants to catch any run off. Remember a good drenching is better than a regular light sprinkling.

- Composting Grass clippings. Add some woody material to keep the right balance.

- Follow on from early harvests. Keep your veg garden productive - sow carrots to follow early lettuce, kale to follow early beetroot, swedes to follow pea shoots. You don't have to wait until the early crops have all gone. You can plant or sow in the gaps between their rows.

- Stake dahlias. Try surrounding each with three canes and wrap string around to hold the plant in place. Add new layers of string as the plant grows.

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