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Latest Information from your Committee regarding the Autumn Show 2020

Writer's picture: lhngslhngs

After careful consideration of the Covid 19 situation it has been decided to cancel the Autumn Show this year. It reflects decisions taken by Kent Federation, the RHS and other local societies to do likewise. This means that in 2020 we will have regretfully had to cancel all three shows as well as the AGM. The good news is that in recognition of this we will be waiving our 2021 membership fees.

However, as our Treasurer, Rosemary Marshall has informed us, we have sufficient funds in hand to donate £500 to Pilgrims Hospice in line with our normal donation to a local charity. We plan to present the cheque to a representative of Pilgrims in the near future, hopefully with a Kent Gazette photographer in attendance to promote our society’s achievement in a press release.

As we have not been able to use our show schedule for 2020 we propose to use the same schedule for 2021 so PLEASE don’t throw your 2020 schedule away. The dates for the 2021 shows will therefore need changing so dig out your schedule and put in the new dates ASAP.

Spring Show Saturday March 27th - entry forms in by Thursday March 25th

AGM Monday March 29th

Summer Show Saturday July 31st - entry forms in by Thursday July 29th

Autumn Show Saturday October 2nd - entry forms in by Thursday September 30th.

If you have somehow misplaced or lost your schedule we do have a few spares so just contact Lyn Cornelius on 01227472104 for a replacement.

In the meantime we would encourage all members to look at our own website at We would like as many members to post pictures of their vegetables, flowers, fruit - in fact anything which might have been entered for the Summer show schedule classes. All you have to do is send an email with your pics attached to and David Nicholls will kindly upload them onto our website for all to enjoy. For those gardeners who bought a chitted Charlotte potato this year we are proposing that they empty their pots and take a pic of the potatoes - washed or unwashed - anytime from the week beginning July 19th and post it on our website.

In order to encourage all our members to join in with our virtual Summer Show we will be offering a mystery prize to one lucky entrant. Each entry pic/photo will be allocated a number which will be placed in the draw. As judging would be difficult it will simply be the luck of the draw to take place on the Summer Show Saturday with the result announced on our website page. There will also be a prize for one children’s entry in a special photographic section for them. The title for the entries is “Garden” so get those digital cameras working!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our main sponsor Pharon Financial Consultants who have enabled us to purchase new vases for our shows and help with the printing costs. We also thank our regular advertisers Stuart Daws, Bourne to Garden, John Austen and Thompsons Garden Centre for their continued support.

Finally, a quick thank you to those who have let us contact them by email which is much easier than printing and delivering flyers. We would encourage other members to consider allowing us to keep them informed by email. We would only do so when we had important news or reminders to share with you.

Best Wishes. Lyn

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