Summer Show 2021
The Summer Show will be held on Saturday 31st July 2021 in the John Baker-White Villlage Hall
The hall opens to the public at 2.00p.m.
Parking arrangements for the Summer Show
On the afternoon of the Show you will be allowed to leave your passengers at the Village Hall, all vehicles should then be parked at Street End Place.

For most points in show, awarded to members only
For best collection of vegetables in Group A
For most points in Group A
For best vegetable exhibit excluding collection
For best cut flower exhibit
For 9 stems of sweet peas
For best floral art exhibit in show
For best potato yield. (Seed potato on sale at the Spring Show)
A bottle of wine awarded for most points in classes 40-44
Entries for all classes must be made on the Entry Form and reach the Show Secretary by Thursday July 29th. Late entries cannot be accepted.
The Hall will be open to receive exhibits between 8 am and 10 am on the show day.
Exhibits must be staged by 10 am at the latest when judging begins.
No exhibits to be removed before prize giving.
All vegetables must be brought clean.
All exhibits or displays must be the work of the exhibitor. Floral Art displays may include home-grown or bought materials.
All pot plants must be exhibited in the pots in which they were grown, and must have been in the exhibitor’s possession not less than three months.
The judges are at liberty to withhold any prize if the production is unworthy, and the judge’s decisions are final.
The Show will be conducted in accordance with the rules and standards contained in the R.H.S. Horticultural Handbook, except where, under this Schedule, they do not apply.
All items left at owner’s risk
Material from anywhere may be used except if otherwise stated.
To be judged under N A F A S Rules, which define an exhibit as ‘an arrangement of any natural material, with or without accessories.
Please note that an ‘arrangement’ does not have accessories.
All entrants to submit pieces as their interpretation of the titles.
Drapes may not be fastened in any way to the alcove.
Alcoves are 20 ins wide and 24ins high unless stated.
Miniature - An Exhibit not exceeding 10x10x15cm(H)
Petite - An Exhibit not exceeding 25x25x37cm(H)
Entry Classes
1. 5 White Potatoes, one variety.
2. 3 Onions, trimmed.
3. 3 Carrots, one variety - trim to 4 inches.
4. 3 Courgettes.
5. 5 Coloured Potatoes, one variety.
6. 5 Runner Beans.
7. 7 Pods of Peas.
8. 9 Dwarf Beans.
9. 1 Lettuce, any variety.
10. 7 Shallots pickling, max 1 inch diameter.
11. 3 Beetroot, round or long - tops cut to 4".
12. 9 Broad Beans.
13. A Bunch of at least 4 Herbs.
14. 5 Shallots (exhibition).
15. 5 Tomatoes.
16. 6 Cherry-type Tomatoes - not exceeding one and a half inches in diameter.
17. A Specimen Marrow.
18. Best shaped Potato, no less than 6oz, First prize only
19. Collection of 4 kinds of Vegetables, one of each kind, in tomato tray.
20. Dish of 9 Raspberries (shown on stalk)
21. Dish of 9 Gooseberries.
22. Dish of Currants (any variety, shown on a string)
23. Collection of soft fruit – 3 different kinds
24. 4 large Flowered (HT) Roses at least two varieties in one container
25. 2 containers of Annuals, 3 stems in each, two distinct kinds
26. Container of Annuals, 4 stems, one distinct kind
27. Container of any Flower other than Roses and Annuals, one kind, 4 spikes or blooms.
28. Container of 3 stems of Roses other than large flowered (HT) One or more varieties
29. SWEET PEA CUP - Container of 9 Stems of Sweet Peas.
30. Container of Cut Flowers, 4 distinct kinds, 2 stems of each
(To be judged on quality of blooms)
31. Container of Antirrhinums, 4 spikes
32. Container of 5 Dahlias
33. One Flowering Pot Plant
34. Specimen best scented large flowered Rose.
First prize only
35. 3 sprays of Clustered Flower Bush Roses (floribunda) 1 or more variety in one container
36. 6 Stems Pansies or Violas (shown in own vase)
37. One pot-grown Fuchsia
38. A single buttonhole
39. President’s Challenge- Potato grown in a 12 inch pot (Seed potato will be available at the Spring show)
40. A Planted Trough or Tub - to be judged on overall effect.
41. 1 Specimen Vegetable
42. 5 potatoes coloured or white
43. 5 tomatoes any variety.
44. Ugliest vegetable
*** Bottle of wine to best exhibit in open classes***
Children’s entries should be entered on the Entry Form
Age to be stated with entries.
45. Create a “Vegetable Head”
(Children welcome to enter)
46. A 6” x 4” mounted and titled photograph “Architecture” taken since July 2019
47. A 6”x 4” Photo “Happiness”
48. Any craft of your choice, made since July 2019
49. 1lb Jar Strawberry Jam. (straight sides)
50. 1/2 lb Jar of Port and Currant Jelly (straight sides) (see recipe)
51. 4 Orange Scones - own recipe. Straight Edge, 5cm/2 inch cutter adding zest of 1 orange.
52. Chocolate and Beetroot cake - (see recipe)
53. 5 Ginger Oat crunch biscuits (see recipe)
54. Childrens’ Class – A Shortbread Flower - can be coloured
55. “Over the Rainbow”- a colourful arrangement
56. “A Special Day Out” - an exhibit illustrating the title
57. “Child’s Play” - An exhibit depicting a Nursery Rhyme
58. “From the Allotment"- an exhibit to include fruit and/or
59. “Summer in a Jar” - a colourful petite arrangement- in a jam jar.
Metric Conversions
300F = Gas Mark 2 = 150C
325F = Gas Mark 3 = 170C
350F = Gas Mark 4 = 180C
375F = Gas Mark 5 = 190C
400F = Gas Mark 6 = 200C
425F = Gas Mark 7 = 220C
450F = Gas Mark 8 = 230C
475F = Gas Mark 9 = 240C
Please be aware that conversion tables from different sources vary slightly.
Port & Currant Jelly
1.5kg (3lb) red or blackcurrants, washed. 600ml (1 pint) water. Sugar. 45ml (3 tablespoons) port.
There is no need to remove the currants from their stalks.
Place the currants in a preserving pan with the water and simmer gently for about 30 minutes until the fruit is soft and pulpy. Stir from time to time to prevent sticking. Spoon the fruit pulp into a jelly bag and leave to strain into a large bowl for at least 12 hours. Discard the pulp remaining in the jelly bag. Measure the extract and return it to the pan with 500g (1lb) sugar for each 600ml (1 pint) extract. Heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved, then boil rapidly for about 15 minutes.
Test for a set and, when setting point is reached, remove pan from the heat. Stir in the port, remove any scum with a slotted spoon, pot and cover.
Chocolate & Beetroot cake
150g (5oz soft butter) plus extra for greasing. 250g (8oz) light muscovado sugar. 3 large eggs.
60g (2oz) cocoa powder. 200g (7oz) self-raising flour.
2 teaspoons baking powder. 4 tablespoons milk. 250g(8oz) cooked beetroot, peeled and coarsely grated.
Chocolate Fudge icing
60g (2oz)butter. 30g (1oz) cocoa powder, sifted.
3 tablespoons milk. 250g (8oz) icing sugar, sifted.
Lightly grease a 23cm (9in) springform or loose-bottomed cake tin and line the bottom with baking parchment. Combine all the cake ingredients, except the beetroot, in a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer until smooth, then fold in the beetroot. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4 for 45-55 minutes until the cake is well risen and shrinking away from the side of the tin. Set aside to cool a little then remove the side of the tin (leaving the cake on the base) and leave to cool completely.
Make the icing: melt the butter in a saucepan, add the cocoa powder, and stir over a high heat for 1 minute.
Add the milk and icing sugar, and stir to combine. Remove from the heat, and set aside to cool and thicken.
Remove the cake from the base of the tin, and peel off the lining paper. Using a serrated knife, slice the cake in half to make two equal layers. Spread one-third of
the icing on the bottom half of the cake and place the other half on top. Spread the remaining icing over the top and side of the cake to give a thin layer. Will keep in refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Ginger Oat Crunch Biscuits
Makes 36
150g (5oz)butter, diced if cold.
1 tablespoon golden syrup (for accurate measure coat spoon
in a little oil first)
175g (6oz) granulated sugar. 75g (3oz) self-raising flour. 50g (2oz) semolina. 100g (4oz) porridge oats (standard or jumbo). 2 tspns ground ginger.1 level tspn baking powder
Preheat oven to 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4. then line 3-4 baking sheets with baking paper or silicone baking mats, or line 2 sheets and cook in batches.
Measure the butter, golden syrup and sugar into a saucepan and warm through over a medium heat until runny. Remove from the heat and add the flour, semolina, oats and ginger.
Stir until well incorporated, then tip onto a baking sheet, flatten out and leave to cool for 10 minutes. Scoop up spoonfuls of the mixture (which will be quite crumbly and buttery) and roll into 36 little balls, then place on prepared baking sheets, well spaced apart.
Push down slightly to flatten and then bake in oven for about 15 minutes until lightly golden. Leave to cool on the baking sheets until cold.