April is a busy month for gardeners !
Here are just a few of the jobs you might want to consider :-
Divide perennials
Stake tall growing perennials
Protect young growth from slugs and snails
Remove annual weeds by hand
Deadhead daffodils but keep leaves for approximately 6 weeks - the leaves help provide the bulb’s energy for next years display
Sow annual climbers and grasses
Plant summer bulbs - dahlia, canna and gladioli
Sow leeks, tomatoes and courgettes and keep sowing successional vegetables - lettuce, radish, beetroot, peas, broad beans, salad onions and turnips.
You can now also sow swiss chard, carrots, summer cauliflower, kohl rabi, leeks, radish, peas and perpetual spinach
Plant main crop potatoes.
Apply an 8 cm thick layer of organic matter to rose and shrub beds to retain moisture and reduce weeds.
Prune back Salix and Cornus to improve winter stem colour